The weather has turned sour yet again in Cortland. When I got back from class to go for my run it was 35 and raining. Normally this wouldn't have kept me from the run, but Paul Fiore convinced me to go to the gym and run on the treadmill.
I hate treadmills.
I don't know why I agreed to it. Treadmills are the worst, it's always too hot in the gym, there is no scenery, they make my legs hurt, I always end up running at 6:15 pace because I'm bored, I can't fart without making the whole place nauseous (running causes flatulence... it's just science).
I do however enjoy the look on peoples faces when they see me on a treadmill. At 6' 2" I already stand out, add the fact that I am wearing split running shorts, running four times faster than any of the sorority girls or meatheads that usually inhabit gym treadmills, and that I am sweating profusely and I draw lots of bewildered looks.
Aside from the boredom and making a spectacle of myself, it turned out to be a decent run. Kicked up the incline and let the legs fly a little, felt pretty good. Would have felt better outside though...
Can't agree more, I hate the damn things. Although I did my warm down on one yesterday because it was so shitty out.