Sunday, December 27, 2009

Lock Legs

Yesterday I went for a run with my good friend Colin in Delhi, we did about an hour, nothing fast, just a solid run. We decided to go to the golf course, which is usually a good place to run, but the warm weather had left it one big puddle of slushy snow, but aside from some soggy shoes it was a good run. I then went to the gym in town to lift some heavy things. I've been trying to get in the gym on a more consistent basis lately, the stronger you are, the harder you can train without getting injured. Also the stronger you are, the better you look in your underwear, but that's another post for another day...
I was in the gym going about my business, and I got to the point in my routine that called for squats. Not squats with ridiculous amounts of weight, just enough to work a little. I did three sets, as I got done with the last set, I placed the bar back on the rack...and both hamstrings simultaneously cramped up so hard I thought I was going to fall over. I hobbled around on my seized up legs for a while, until I was able to stretch them out enough to become functional again.
I don't know if I was dehydrated, or it was from not squatting for a while, all I know is that I am one sore pup today. That is until I went on my run, after I got warm, my legs felt great, real strong and smooth. The body is a strange thing.