As you may or may not know, I was lucky enough to land an internship with a local newspaper over winter break. This is a great opportunity, not only will it give me the credit I need to graduate, it will give me some real-world experience in something I am really passionate about (writing).
I have filled out the litany of forms, and gotten the countless signatures necessary to receive credit for the internship, and I thought I had gotten everything done. But as I got the last form back, stapled to it was an orange paper, telling me that before I could register for the credit, I needed to pay $333.28, as tuition for the credits.
I was, and am still, outraged at this. three hundred and thirty three dollars for 1.5 credits. I won't even be on school grounds, there is no one teaching me that needs to be paid, I'm not using up valuable college resources, I will be 90 miles away, voluntarily working for a private company that has absolutely no connection to this poor excuse for a college.
This is pure, unadulterated greed.
I don't honestly know how President Bitterbaum can look any of the students on this campus in the eye when he knows that we are all being swindled by the school and our beloved government, who despite evidence to the contrary, still assures us that they're on our side.
There's no revolution any more.