There is simply no way for a person to succeed in endurance sports without some sort of intrinsic motivation. If you are a runner or cyclist or whatever, you can't be in it just to win some medals and get some prize money. If that is your state of mind, you'll burn out and quit within a couple of months, maybe even sooner. There has to be that burning hunger in you to see how far you can take your body and your mind. It is that hunger that tears you out of bed on cold mornings to go run, it's that hunger that makes you get back at training after you're injured, and you lose all the fitness you've suffered so hard to gain, it's that hunger that keeps you going through the terrible days out there on the road when all you want to do is stop.
That hunger is a tough thing to keep up all the time, and lots of things can threaten to satisfy it. Even success, the very thing that you strive and train for can take your hunger away, which seems counterintuitive, but in my experience, the hardest thing to do is to keep focused after success.
The key is to stay angry, stay insulted by all the people that think you can't do it, stay focused, stay cut throat.
Stay hungry boys and girls.