That's it, my apartment is going to blow up.
Or something like that is going to happen, too many good things have happened, and the only way for the universe to stay in balance is for something bad to happen. In the past 12 hours the following has happened:
I got an internship with a newspaper, meaning I will in fact graduate college and might even get a job.
My housemate Paul got hired with the Bank of Tokyo, like an actual job with a salary and everything.
My other housemate Eddie is applying for a position with UBS as a compliance officer, which he has a good chance of getting because he has a cousin that works there.
That is far too much success for the world to handle at once. I don't think I'm going to leave the house for a while, because if I do I will most likely get hit by a car, or arrested, or something. If I have a good run today too, it's over.
The fact that all of us idiots will be the ones making society function should scare everyone. Here we come world!!!!