Needless to say I was not a happy student.
I would need to pick up three more credits in the last half of the semester as an independent study, then take two online classes over the summer. One professor suggested I take his class "Films Of Spike Lee" over the summer. Oh fucking joy, I get to take a class about a racist african-american director that I hate, taught by a racist african-american professor that I don't particularly like.
The fact that this whole mess was brought to my attention a mere two months before I was supposed to graduate is completely ridiculous.
I'm not going to let this stand. I'm going right to the top. Emailed the president of the college a long ranting message about how this school is lying to its students to swindle their money away from them. That'll show 'em.
dude i agree, i have 140 credits. which some of them are retarded because i took spanish in highschool to not need a language and apparently i need to only at this school and I took life guarding at delhi and that should count as an aquatics class, but no so i had to take a swimming class, come to find out that I dont need that swimming class after all. Wager told me about the dub too many participation classes and so they need him to take more credits to graduate. what a bunch of bull. I would demand the degree anyways!
ReplyDeleteTaking a page out of Jeff's book and going right to the top is a great idea.