I know that I have been a bad blogger lately. I apologize to my readership for my blog neglect.
As this was originally intended to be more or less a blog about running and sports and whatnot, I guess I should post something relevant to that.
This is a something that has happened to me a couple of times, the phenomena known as "puking up yellow shit" (that's the medical term). It's always brought on by running, but not necessarily from running too hard, like after a race, and it's not from being too full of food or anything. The most memorable instance was on a certain 20 mile run last winter with Shamus and Jeffrey, a half-mile from the end, I just randomly stopped and threw up yellow liquid onto the sidewalk as Jeff and Shamus cheered "YEAHHH SEND 'EM!!"
The reason I thought of this is I came across this picture on the interweb, I don't know who it is, but she seems to be throwing up yellow shit as well.
That happened to me once. I think I was in 11th grade, doing a 19-20 miler in the middle of the winter. When I was about 18 miles in I randomly puked up this orange/yellow foam like substance. It tasted real nasty, almost like bad oranges. Maybe I had orange juice that morning... I don't know.
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