Monday, September 13, 2010

New York, New York

I've made the move to New York City.
I don't think there could be a bigger difference between places than the difference between Delhi and NYC. For those who are unfamiliar with the metropolis of Delhi, NY (shame on you!!), let me fill you in. Delhi is a small town in central New York, it has a grand total of two stoplights, it is quiet and peaceful, people generally are friendly and warm, things are pretty much the same every day.
Let me say for the record that I love Delhi, and everyone there that I know, and it was an amazing place to grow up, I wouldn't have it any other way.
But upon graduating, I got the undeniable urge to leave the nest and strike out on my own, my destination of choice: New York City (for many reasons, one very beautiful and incredible one in particular).
Spoiler alert!!: New York is wayyyy different than Delhi. The first two weeks here have been a little overwhelming at times, the pace of the city, the sensory overload, the constant motion and array of things to do... exhausting.
Exhausting but one of a kind and something everyone should experience. I mean, where else can you see a midget micheal jackson impersonator on the subway platform and have it not be the most alarming or intriguing thing you've come across all day???