Friday, November 13, 2009

My house is most likely going to explode

That's it, my apartment is going to blow up.
Or something like that is going to happen, too many good things have happened, and the only way for the universe to stay in balance is for something bad to happen. In the past 12 hours the following has happened:
I got an internship with a newspaper, meaning I will in fact graduate college and might even get a job.
My housemate Paul got hired with the Bank of Tokyo, like an actual job with a salary and everything.
My other housemate Eddie is applying for a position with UBS as a compliance officer, which he has a good chance of getting because he has a cousin that works there.
That is far too much success for the world to handle at once. I don't think I'm going to leave the house for a while, because if I do I will most likely get hit by a car, or arrested, or something. If I have a good run today too, it's over.
The fact that all of us idiots will be the ones making society function should scare everyone. Here we come world!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Between a Rock and a Moron

The topic of discussion on the run the other day was Aron Ralston, the author of "Between a Rock and a Hard Place," the true story of how he amputated his own arm with a pocketknife when it got caught under a rock when he was hiking alone in the canyons of Utah. For some reason, the man has been seen as a hero, an ideal of the outdoorsman that does whatever he needs to in order to survive.
Aron Ralston is an idiot. He went hiking alone, bad. He didn't tell anyone where he was going, bad. He climbed on suspended rocks, bad. It took him seven days to realize he could break the bone and cut his way out, bad.
We decided that it wouldn't have taken a week to decide to cut the arm off and get back to the nearest McDonalds. Arms are expendable, that's why god gave us two of them. If my head was stuck under a rock, it might have been a little tougher of a decision, as I have only one head.
Today we salute you Aron Ralston, real original title for a book.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Shockingly, whiskey is not an ideal pre-run drink

The balance between training and socializing is a delicate thing.
The first saturday without a cross country meet is a chance to let the balance tip toward the social end of things. As me and my compadres ventured to the Red Jug Pub, I was introduced to a new drink, the whiskey ginger, and approached this delicious concoction with my normal lack of moderation. It was a great night, filled with fun and mischief, with the night culminating with the kidnapping of several shoes belonging to people who shall go unnamed, and resulting in one man having to walk back to our house Shoeless Joe Jackson style.
I tried to keep all the fun I had saturday night in mind as I staggered through a 17 mile run on sunday. Strangely whiskey is not the most hydrating fluid, my cotton-mouth and the salt rings accumulating on my shirt from sweat without enough water in it are testaments to that.
One of the good things about being fit is that even with a lil' bit of a hangover, runs aren't that bad, as I still managed to average about 6:40 a mile for the whole thing, albeit with a little more effort and self-loathing than usual. Gotta love college.

Monday, November 9, 2009

What I want to be when I grow up!

Saturday is by far the least productive day of the week.
As usual, last saturday was spent lounging on the couch watching tv, I happened upon the movie "Australia" on HBO, and by the time it was halfway through, I was not at all interested, but my friend Paul and I decided we had already watched to much to not finish it.
...There's three hours of my life I'll never get back.
On my run later that day, I reflected on the waste of yet another day. If you haven't already seen the movie, consider yourself lucky, it's fucking awful. The only good thing that came from it is that I now know what I want to be when I grow up, I want to be an Aboriginal Shaman, like"King George," the Shaman from the movie, here's a picture. He's so real!

Not Fast Yet

I am an endurance athlete. I enjoy the sports that most people see as nothing but suffering, running, cycling, swimming. While other athletes spend their time honing skills on the field or on the court, endurance athletes spend long solitary hours on the roads and trails, honing their bodies to the task of covering distances that most people couldn't fathom covering without a car.

Naturally endurance athletes spend a lot of time alone with their thoughts, the mind is free to wander during a two-hour run, or a four-hour ride. It provides the clarity of thought without the constant barrage of sights and sounds that are ever-present in the world today. This blog is an outlet for my thoughts, a glimpse into what goes on in my strange mind when it is free to roam.
Cheers, enjoy.