Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Good day

Today was a good day. I'm happy to be back in the routine of being at school, when I'm home I seem to revert back to being a child. I sleep all the time, don't really get anything done, basically just take up space (as long as I get my run in, I feel like I've accomplished something for the day).
But when I'm at school I can act like a (somewhat) functioning human again. This week has been nice, I wake up at a reasonable hour, have a good breakfast, go to practice and run with good people, eat lunch with good people, go home, shower, be productive. Good stuff.
Today had all those things, good breakfast, good run, good lunch, then time to relax.
Around 4 o'clock this afternoon I got hungry, but it was too early to eat dinner, so I decided I would have a salad. Salad never used to be something I liked, but it's been growing on me lately (figuratively, there is not literally salad growing from me, although that would be interesting). I cooked some chicken for my salad, as I am a growing boy and I need my protein. I then came to the startling realization that there were no croutons. I stood crouton-less for a minute, unsure of what to do next. Then I had an epiphany... croutons are made of bread, and I have lots of bread. So I put some olive oil, spices, and bread in a pan, and poof! croutons!
Maybe it's a bad sign that I am so easily amazed, but I am damn proud of myself for being all resourceful and self-sufficient, even if it only involved salad toppings.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Good music

Here's a little taste of some of the music I've been listening to lately. I listen to a pretty wide range of stuff, but these are some of my favorites. If you've never heard of some of it, I would encourage downloading it (legally of course).

Phrazes for the Young, by Julian Casablancas. Since the Strokes are more or less broken up (although there are rumors of a new album this summer), all the members have put out their own albums, this one is from lead singer Julian Casablancas.
Good tracks: 11th Dimension, Left & Right In the Dark, I Wish It Was Christmas Today
Thickfreakness, by The Black Keys. This is one of the older Black Keys albums, but one of my favorites. The band is just two guys, Dan Auerbach on Guitar and Vocals, and Patrick Carney on drums, I love the simplicity of small bands, it sounds like they are raging in some shitty dive bar...excellent.
Good Tracks:Thickfreakness, Set You Free, Midnight In Her Eyes.
In Rainbows, by Radiohead. Radiohead's latest album, the complete opposite of The Black Keys' simplicity, with multiple guitars, drums, bass, and various instruments and synthesizers they weave sounds together into hauntingly beautiful songs.
Good Tracks: All I Need, Reckoner, Jigsaw Falling Into Place

Invisble Girl, by The King Khan & BBQ Show. This is some serious underground stuff, a two man band that sound like they think they are in the 50's. I love how they sound, and you can tell they enjoy making music.
Good Tracks: I'll Be Loving You, Lonely Boy, Anala.
The Mountain, by Heartless Bastards. Good songs without any clutter. The lead singer, Erika Wennerstrom has an amazing voice.
Good Tracks: The Mountain, Hold Your Head High, Out At Sea.
Furr, by Blitzen Trapper. A band from one of my favorite cities, Portland, Oregon. Kinda weird, but great songs about everything from werewolves to robots to murderers.
Good Tracks: Furr, Black River Killer, War On Machines.
Dear Science, by TV On The Radio. One of the best albums of last year, a bunch of crazy guys from Brooklyn making music.
Good Tracks: Halfway Home, Shout Me Out, DLZ.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Back to Cortland

Today is my first full day back in Cortland after a far-too-long break. I got back to my apartment saturday evening and was discovered that it was 50 degrees inside. I figured that it might just take a little while for the furnace to heat up or something so I left the thermostat up. Nothing happened. I piled blankets on my bed and tried to get some sleep, as we had practice this morning at 10 a.m. I finally got warmed up and fell asleep, but every time I moved, a gust of cold air would get under the covers and wake me up. The run this morning reflected the poor night's sleep. I finally called my landlord and "he" came and fixed the furnace. I am happily sitting here now in warmth.
It's good to be back in Cortland. It might not be the nicest place in the world, but it's really nice to see everyone after a month of isolation and hibernation at home. It is especially good to run with someone other than myself. The run today may have been miserable, but at least there was company, after all...misery loves company, and there's plenty of both in Cortland, New York.